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VESPER VAPES | Product Launch Via Creative Influencer Activation


NuWave was contracted to consult the influencer marketing, event coordination and on-site activations & experiences for the retired NBA legend's brand launch of Vesper Vapes.


Vesper's release campaign centered around a high-profile launch party in partnership with reputable cannabis-based brands High Times Magazine & Champ Energy to generate early positive public sentiment, increased overall brand awareness, and an ROI-positive investment.

Pierce Vesper
Paul x King

We deliberately arranged on-site activations using the product through talent-based influencers ranging from magicians to violinists and more.


As a result, Vesper Vapes experienced a widespread dissemination of its brand through our network of influencers that were brought to the event and whose collective reach totalled over 20 million followers. Consequently, this catalyzed growth in Vesper's own Instagram account, which now sits at around 15,000 followers.

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